Sentence The First
The First
at the bottom of a deep, dark, dank and dismal dungeon passageway,
Professor Daphne Dumbiedykes - formerly one of Miss Brodie's
legendary "Golden Girls" and now holder of the emeritus
chair in Late-Early Mediaevalism at St Sebastian's College -
scrambled down through the rusty frame of a collapsed trapdoor and
dropped into a foul and evil-smelling oubliette, some 50 metres below
Edinburgh's cobbled High Street and caught her breath; for, in the
shadows cast by her guttering stub of a tallow candle she could make
out the scrawled epithets of those tortured souls whose last days of
life were spent here and, in the furthest, deepest, darkest, dankest
and most dismal corner of the cell she spotted a crumpled ball of
fabric - once spotless and white, now begrimed by mucous, faeces and
the scamperings of a thousand generations of rats - which she gently
took hold of and unfolded to see that it was indeed the wimple of
Sister Evadne Eglantine, after whom Daohne's own dear mother had been
named, and just as averred in the statements given under duress by
the other two Benedictine nuns who had survived their incarceration
with Sister Evadne, it truly had been turned into an opisthograph
for, as they had testified, the dying Sister had written, in ink
distilled from her own blood and tears, on both sides of the fabric
lines which, though smudged and often indistinct and in parts the
lines on each side co-mingled and distressed, yet even after seven
and more centuries, in words that resonated with the Professor, her
own unique recipe for a Tincture of Asafedita with directions for its
preparation and application for the relief of asthma; the very
condition which Sister Evadne had herself borne so stoically, and,
yes, there too was a delicate drawing of the plant itself - familiar
to Daphne from her own much-thumbed copy of Culpeper Complete Herbal,
and this last brought a catch to the Professor's breath, a tickling
at the back of her memory, and a rising of the hairs on her nape -
for she suddenly realised the full implicatioms of this discovery and
its confirmation of an incident in Scotland's bloody past which could
well wreak havoc for so many in this very present day - Triumph or
Disaster, but which would it be?
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