Sentence The Fourhundredandninetyfifth 
When she entered the chamber where the group of friends were eating a simple meal, Griselda of Longformacus told them about her audience with the Duke of Albany: “not,” she confessed “that I wish to set him up on a plinth, but for one so limacine,” she explained, “he is very solicitous,
charming indeed, he is a distant cousin of mine, on my mother's side; he said that we are welcome to stay in the Palace for as long as we wish, indeed he will brook no dissensus, and would very much enjoy meeting with you, Brother Tavish, and learning something of your observations during your travels,” and Tavish snorted: “he wants to know where I've been, who I've seen and, no doubt, what I can tell him of the brutal murder of Sir Parlane MacFarlane and his Man Friday,” and Sister Evadne's head came up sharply: “you have knowledge of how MacFarlane met his death?” she asked, and Tavish replied: “indeed so, Sister, I am on it like a car bonnet, but nothing that I can tell Albany – I believe that he and MacFarlane were close friends and I would counsel you all to be ever on your guard, I would not be at all surprised if these walls have ears – remember, Careless Talk Costs Lives!”


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